Honors Program
AR-20 AR-23
Computer Science and Engineering
AR-13 AR-16 AR-18 AR-20 AR-23
Electronics and Communication Engineering
AR-13 AR-16 AR-18 AR-20 AR-23
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
AR-13 AR-16 AR-18 AR-20 AR-23
Information Technology
AR-13 AR-16 AR-18 AR-20 AR-23
Mechanical Engineering
AR-13 AR-16 AR-18 AR-20 AR-23
Civil Engineering
AR-13 AR-16 AR-18 AR-20 AR-23
Computer Science & Engineering (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)
AR-20 AR-23
Computer Science & Engineering(Data Science)
AR-20 AR-23
AR-19 AR-22
Computer Science and Engineering
AR-16 AR-19 AR-22
Very Large Scale Integration System
AR-16 AR-19 AR-22
Power Electronics & Electric Drives
AR-16 AR-19 AR-22
Power Systems and Power Electronics
Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Structural Engineering
AR-16 AR-19 AR-22
Thermal Engineering
AR-16 AR-19 AR-22